جستجوي پيشرفته | کتابخانه مجازی الفبا

جستجوي پيشرفته | کتابخانه مجازی الفبا

کتابخانه مجازی الفبا،تولید و بازنشر کتب، مقالات، پایان نامه ها و نشریات علمی و تخصصی با موضوع کلام و عقاید اسلامی کتابخانه مجازی الفبا،تولید و بازنشر کتب، مقالات، پایان نامه ها و نشریات علمی و تخصصی با موضوع کلام و عقاید اسلامی

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کتابخانه مجازی الفبا
کتابخانه مجازی الفبا
پایگاه جامع و تخصصی کلام و عقاید و اندیشه دینی
جستجو بر اساس ... همه موارد عنوان موضوع پدید آور جستجو در متن
: جستجو در الفبا در گوگل
مرور > مرور مجلات > پژوهش های فلسفی - کلامی > 1400- دوره 23- شماره 3
  • تعداد رکورد ها : 9
Ishtiyaque Haji
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
کلیدواژه‌های اصلی :
صفحات :
از صفحه 51 تا 72
Stewart Goetz
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
کلیدواژه‌های اصلی :
صفحات :
از صفحه 157 تا 172
John Lemos
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
کلیدواژه‌های اصلی :
صفحات :
از صفحه 137 تا 156
Robert Kane
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
صفحات :
از صفحه 5 تا 28
Nancey Murphy
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
چکیده :
My objective in this article is to question whether the problem of free will can, within our current conceptual system, be framed coherently. It is already widely recognized that a mental faculty, the will, needed to initiate action, no longer fits with current thought. However, we can still ask whether human decisions and actions are determined by something other than the agent. So the important question is whether we still have a cogent concept of determinism. The two prevalent alternatives are a closed set of deterministic laws of nature, and a simple distillation of the principle of sufficient reason: all events must have a cause. I first provide examples showing that philosophical concepts come and go as categorial frameworks change. The modern concept of deterministic laws of nature was developed during the latter half of the modern period and is now being called seriously into question. G. W. Leibniz’s principle of sufficient reason could only be justified in theological terms, which most contemporary Western scholars reject. I end with an inadequate account of a dawning worldview based on complex adaptive systems theory, in which most human actions are best described in terms of non-necessitating propensities.
صفحات :
از صفحه 29 تا 50
ویلیام هاسکر
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
کلیدواژه‌های اصلی :
چکیده :
An argument is presented, based on a common-sense interpretation of an everyday experience, for emergent dualism as the best available account of the origin of the human mind/soul. Emergent dualism is superior to subjective idealism in that it honors the common-sense conviction that the things we encounter have a real, physical existence, separate from our mental perceptions of them. It is superior to materialism in that it allows for our mental states to have real, physical effects, distinct from the effects of the physical states that accompany the mental states. It is also superior to materialism in allowing for a real, unified self that is not merely a collection of physical particles. These features allow emergent dualism to provide a foundation for libertarian free will; belief in such free will is another deliverance of common sense that cannot readily be reconciled with materialism. Emergent dualism is superior to standard varieties of dualism in giving a plausible account of the minds of non-human animals. Perhaps surprisingly, emer­gent dualism is superior both to traditional dualism and to standard varieties of materialism in combining readily with theories of biological evolution, in which natural selection promotes both the physical and mental development of complex organisms.
صفحات :
از صفحه 93 تا 112
محسن جوادی
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
صفحات :
از صفحه 113 تا 136
Hajj Muhammad Legenhausen
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
چکیده :
Divine freedom is reviewed with respect to three important themes: fate, revisions in divine decisions, and divine obligations. A study of the first theme yields the conclusion that God is free because He has absolute power and authority. In addition, God is free in relation to human beings in the sense that He can do what they do not expect. This theme is found under the heading of decree and measure, qaḍāʾ and qadar. Theologians have also grappled with the problem that the divine decrees appear to change, and on the tablet containing the divine decrees, there can be changes and erasures. This leads to the second topic, badāʾ, the apparent revision of divine decisions, which the theologians treat as abrogations of commands. God can be understood to foster a relationship with us in which He will appear to us as free to respond to our changing conditions, especially prayer and repentance. Finally, the obligations God sets for Himself and reveals to us through scripture are considered. This indicates a kind of divine freedom that only has meaning in the loving relationship between God and His servants that is cultivated through divine revelation. It is then suggested that these various dimensions of divine freedom can best be understood through complementing philosophical and scriptural approaches to the issues and that the understanding of this kind of synthetic hermeneutics can be deepened through comparative theology.
صفحات :
از صفحه 73 تا 92
زهرا خزاعی
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
صفحات :
از صفحه 173 تا 192
  • تعداد رکورد ها : 9