چکیده :
این مقاله قصد دارد تا با بیان اجمالیِ فلسفه ذهن کانت، در بخش اول، تأثیر آن در فلسفه ذهن معاصر، و در بخش دوم، تأثیر و نسبت آن با کارکردگرایی را مورد بررسی و نقد قرار دهد.
از مهمترین مواردی که در آن فلسفه ذهن معاصر متأثر از اندیشههای کانت بوده عبارتاند از: (1) لزوم وضع نوعی ساختار ضروری برای اندیشه و تجربه.
(2) ارتباط میان صورتهای آگاهی و خودآگاهی.
(3) کنار نهادن خودِ دکارتی که ناظر به بحث کانت در نقد روانشناسی عقلانی است.
(4) تفکیک حس از فاهمه در کانت پیشگام مسئله تجربه در نظریات جدید درباره آگاهی است.
همچنین در بخش دوم، نشان میدهیم که اگرچه میان کارکردگرایی و فلسفه ذهن کانت شباهتهایی وجود دارد، اما روایت کارکردگرایانه بسیاری از مفاهیم اساسیِ فلسفه وی ازجمله برخی کیفیات ذهنی و معماری استعلایی آن، و توجه به هستیشناسی طبیعت ذهن را کنار میگذارد.
از نظر ما، هر خوانشی از جمله خوانش کارکردگرایانه از کانت، برای اینکه اصیل تلقی شود، بایستی دارای دو شرط اساسی باشند: (1) با مهمترین آموزههای کانت که عبارت است از روش استعلایی و التزامات آن، در تعارض نباشد.
و (2) زمینه تاریخی مباحث کانت و تطور زمانی مفهوم مد نظر را مورد توجه قرار دهد.
introduction: this article aims to review and critique kant's philosophy of mind, its impact on contemporary philosophy of mind, also its impact and relation to functionalism.
kant's influence on philosophy is based on the answers and methods he uses to explain the mechanism of human knowledge.
the copernican revolution of kant refers to the change in epistemological direction of the object to the subject, for the correct understanding of the object.
this approach has had important effects on contemporary philosophy of mind.
now our goal is to explore some of these effects.
methodology: our study method in this article is evaluate these effects in the field of contemporary philosophy of mind and especially, contemporary functionalism.
findings: kant attempts to explain the mechanism of human cognition by considering the mind as a structured thing that has some cognitive faculties, including the faculties of sense, understanding, and reason.
in brief, the effects of such a mechanism in the contemporary philosophy of mind can be expressed in the following cases: (1) the need for a necessary structure of thought and experience.
(2) the relationship between certain forms of consciousness and self-consciousness; and (3) excluding the cartesian self.
(4)the separation between sense and understanding is considered as the rise of the subjective matter from a physical foundation, and it indicates the hard problem of consciousness, that is, experience or phenomenal consciousness.
conclusion: it is not possible to see the influence of kant's philosophy of mind on the contemporary philosophy of mind as answers or even solutions, but as a way of thinking about problems.
kant's solutions have two characteristics, disregarding them will lead to a misunderstanding of his philosophy.
first, kant has expressed his philosophy of mind in a transcendental form.
taking him out of his vital form certainly leaves some of the most significant aspects of his philosophy behind.
secondly, his approaches are presented in a historical context.
for instance, we should consider kant's statement on the structures of the mind to be a metaphysical mechanism, and his perspective on causation is basically meaningful in a historical context.
admittedly, many of the problems raised in contemporary philosophy were discussed in kant's philosophy, but the progress and transformation that occurs in these concepts cannot be attributed to kant.
the functionalist interpretation of kant is possible, but it is in conflict with the most crucial teachings of kant, which are architecture and the transcendental method.
such a reading excludes many aspects of an individual's mental life, and is based on a purely formal similarity.
نویسنده :
محمدمهدی مقدس ، علی فتح طاهری
منبع اصلی :
پایگاه :
پایگاه مجلات 5
(ذهن- سال 1402- دوره 24- شماره 95- از صفحه 41 تا 79)
یادداشت :
کانت فلسفه ذهن کارکردگرایی ادراک نفسانی آگاهی خود آگاهی شناخت
Kant Philosophy of mind Functionalism Apperception Consciousness Self-Consciousness Cognition