جستجوي پيشرفته | کتابخانه مجازی الفبا

جستجوي پيشرفته | کتابخانه مجازی الفبا

کتابخانه مجازی الفبا،تولید و بازنشر کتب، مقالات، پایان نامه ها و نشریات علمی و تخصصی با موضوع کلام و عقاید اسلامی کتابخانه مجازی الفبا،تولید و بازنشر کتب، مقالات، پایان نامه ها و نشریات علمی و تخصصی با موضوع کلام و عقاید اسلامی

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کتابخانه مجازی الفبا
کتابخانه مجازی الفبا
پایگاه جامع و تخصصی کلام و عقاید و اندیشه دینی
جستجو بر اساس ... همه موارد عنوان موضوع پدید آور جستجو در متن
: جستجو در الفبا در گوگل
حسین اترک
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
صفحات :
از صفحه 29 تا 47
هاله عبدالهی راد ، حسن میانداری
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
صفحات :
از صفحه 1 تا 20
Robin Attfield
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
کلیدواژه‌های اصلی :
چکیده :
The coronavirus pandemic has had some unexpected benign effects (including a large drop in air pollution and levels of nitrogen oxides in UK and elsewhere, and a smaller drop in global carbon emissions), which raises the problem of how to sustain and build on these unexpected gains. These gains could easily be lost when economies and road transport return to something like their previous condition. But if governments and industries are inspired to reduce automobile emissions to match the levels of the spring of 2020, gains such as these could become recurrent, and many more lives could be saved. Further, if (with greater effort) carbon emissions could remain reduced, then future generations could be saved from sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and even from the spread of tropical diseases. Such a prevention of disease would be an ironic but welcome gain from a pandemic.
صفحات :
از صفحه 48 تا 54
سجاد دهقان زاده ، فاطمه احمدیان ، زینب میرحسینی
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
کلیدواژه‌های اصلی :
چکیده :
The main challenge of present paper is analytical comparing the “Criterion of Valid Cognition” from viewpoints of Epicureanism and Charvaka (Lokayata) philosophy, the largest exponent of Indian materialism,. The new findings of the research show that the whole construction of ontology, ethics, and infidelity of Charvaka is logically based on its epistemology. In this philosophy, any intangible existence is denied, and the only knowledgeable subject-matter is assumed to be the material world. So here firstly, the acquisition of the truth is possible solely by sensory instruments, and secondly, every ‘should’ and ‘should not’ that it is in contrary to the principle of material pleasure is negated. It can be said that the Charvaka’s philosophers consider Cognition as the ‘true and perceptible belief, but not reasonable one’, and they intensely questioned the validity of Inference, Testimony and Analogy. In contrast, the Epicurean philosophers seem to agree with the definition of Cognition as the ‘true and justifiable conviction’. In spite of believing in the originality of matter and regarding the ‘clarity of sensory perception’ as the criterion of truth, Epicureans consider also Inference, General Concepts and Emotions as the resources of cognition. Epicureanism’s epistemology is entirely rational, but that of Charvaka is irrational, empirical, contradictory, sense-based and contrary to Reality.
صفحات :
از صفحه 55 تا 71
حسین فلسفی ، مجید احسان فر ، سید حسین واعظی
نوع منبع :
منابع دیجیتالی :
فهرست گزیده متکلمان،فیلسوفان و عالمان شیعی :
چکیده :
The question of what is the soul is one of the fundamental questions in philosophical psychology and the answer to it, along with other psychology questions, has been and is one of the most important and first concerns of philosophers. Among the philosophers, Ibn Sina and Suhrawardi have offered a novel view of the identity of the soul in comparison with their predecessors. In order to know the identity of the soul, Ibn Sina mentions the experience of human beings suspended in space in some of his works, and Suhrawardi, while expressing and modifying Ibn Sina's experience, speaks of other experiences. Through this research, it becomes clear that the efforts of the two in recognizing the soul are not the same, because Ibn Sina comes into existence in the experience of a human suspended in space, which is a hypothetical experience, and Suhrawardi in the experience of liberation from the body and experience in sleep and wakefulness. There are some realities and not assumptions about oneself that both views have been interpreted and evaluated in this article.
صفحات :
از صفحه 72 تا 82