مرلوپونتی: هستی شناسی خیالی [کتاب انگلیسی] | کتابخانه مجازی الفبا
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کتابخانه مجازی الفبا،تولید و بازنشر کتب، مقالات، پایان نامه ها و نشریات علمی و تخصصی با موضوع کلام و عقاید اسلامی
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ارسال اثر
مرلوپونتی: هستی شناسی خیالی [کتاب انگلیسی]
Annabelle Dufourcq
426 صفحه .
کتابخانه مجازی الفبا
کتابخانه مجازی الفبا
کتاب الکترونیکی
میانگین امتیازات:
امتیاز شما :
تعداد امتیازات :
مرلوپونتی: هستی شناسی خیالی [کتاب انگلیسی]
ویرایش اثر
عنوان دیگر :
Merleau-Ponty: An Ontology of the Imaginary (Contributions to Phenomenology, 134) [2024 ed.]
پدیدآورندگان :
Dufourcq, Annabelle
وضعیت نشر :
Springer Netherlands ،
منابع دیجیتالی مرتبط :
نسخه PDF
اعلام و شخصیت ها :
مرلوپونتی, موریس(Maurice Merleau-Ponty،فیلسوف فرانسوی، از مطرحترین پدیدارشناسان قرن بیستم) , 1908 1961
متکلمان و سایر شخصیت ها :
موریس مرلوپونتی
نویسنده :
Annabelle Dufourcq
زبان :
منبع اصلی :
شابک (isbn):
جنس منبع:
(Contributions to Phenomenology, 134)
پایگاه :
الف:پایگاه کتب
یادداشت :
توضیحات فیزیکی اثر :
426 صفحه .
نوع منبع :
خروجی ها :
Doblin core
Marc xml
MarcIran xml
فهرست مندرجات:
Table of contents :
The Imaginary in Merleau-Ponty’s Work: A Secret (ec)center of Gravity
Can the Imaginary Become an Ontological Principle?
With and Beyond Merleau-Ponty: Philosophy and Its Shadow
Husserl and Merleau-Ponty Toward the Ontology of the Imaginary
Irony and Provocation in Merleau-Ponty’s Method: Ethical, Political, and Environmental Stakes
Note on the Translation
Chapter 1: Introduction
Part I: The Husserlian Legacy and the Initial Motivations of Merleau-Ponty’s Thought: Crisis of Rationality, Oneiric World, and Risk of Madness
Chapter 2: Introduction: Crisis and Imaginary
Chapter 3: The Modern Crisis
Chapter 4: Husserl’s Greatest Discovery According to Merleau-Ponty: The Heraclitean Flow, Between Reason and Unreason
The Logos of the Aesthetic World
Why Retain the Notion of Sensible Flow?
The Flow of Adumbrations or Diacritical Flow: A Floating Sense
Essences Are Inseparable from Sensible Variations
The Fundamentally Magic, Glimmering, and Oneiric Dimension of the World
There Are Only Motivations: Sense Is a Drawing That Initiates a Hermeneutic Reverie
The Vertiginous Experience of the Mirror as Foundational for All Other Experiences
The Art Hidden in the Depths of the Human Soul and the Imagination of History: An Anonymous Imaginary at the Root of Sense
A Baroque World and a Problematic Reason That Is Inseparable from Unreason
Chapter 5: The Problem of Authenticity in Merleau-Ponty: Humanity and World Dissolved by the Imaginary?
Models of Authenticity Subverted by the Vertiginous Proximity of the Inauthentic
From the Phantom Limb to the Disturbing Spectral Dimension of Our Body
Manic Space as Disclosive of the Lability of Normal Space
Mind as Gestalt: A Fragile Sublimation Haunted and Threatened by Its Irrational Origin
Could Faith Be the Key to Authenticity?
The Ambiguous Miracle of Faith: The Proximity of Illusion and Perception, of Love and Theatrics
An Impossible Authenticity?
Self-Divergence and Fundamental Inauthenticity
The Irreducible Phantoms of Perception
Consciousness Is Always Mystified
Merleau-Ponty’s Hesitations and the Need for a Redefinition of the Imaginary to Resolve the Crisis
Part II: Imagination, Nothingness, and Inauthenticity in Sartre
Chapter 6: Introduction
Chapter 7: Consciousness Is Nothingness
Chapter 8: Image, Imagination, and Imaginary in Sartre
Chapter 9: Existence and the World: A Froth of Nothingness at the Surface of Being
Chapter 10: The Theatrics of Existence
Chapter 11: The Overcoming of the Dualism of Being and Nothingness Is Prefigured in Sartrean Philosophy
Part III: The Merleau-Pontian Definition of the Imaginary as a Particular Register of Phenomena Alongside the Real
Chapter 12: Introduction: Thematization of the Imaginary and Definition of a Broadened Reality
Chapter 13: Merleau-Ponty’s Invocations of the Sartrean Definition of the Imaginary Are Inseparable from His Critique of the Opposition Between Being and Nothingness
The Diffuse Influence of Sartre
Recourse to the Sartrean Definition of the Imaginary as a Methodological Step. Criticism of the Dualism of Being and Nothingness
Chapter 14: Merleau-Ponty’s Critique of the Sartrean Conception of the Imaginary
Chapter 15: The Genuine and Even Enhanced Presence of the Real in the Imaginary
The Flesh of the Imaginary and the Imaginary Texture of the Real
The Surexistence of the Real in the Imaginary
The Heart of Things Becoming Incandescent in the Imaginary
Is Meaning More Pregnant in Images or in Articulated Language?
Chapter 16: The Proximity Between the Merleau-Pontian Redefinition of the Imaginary and Bachelard’s Philosophy
Part IV: The Conquest of Authenticity
Chapter 17: Introduction: “Authenticity” and Poetic Depth
Chapter 18: Imaginary Love: A Necessary and Fruitful Failure. General Definition of the Imaginary as Institution
The Radical Failure of Love According to Sartre and Proust
Love According to Sartre: An Illusion Masking Conflict
Imaginary Love According to Proust
The Encounter with Others Takes Place in the Imaginary
The Authenticity of the Institution or the Fruitfulness of the Imaginary
Chapter 19: Institutions and Creative Acts of Taking-up in an “Authentic”—Deep and Poetic—Existence
The First Fruitful Institution: Mystified Consciousness
The Impossibility of Truth as Correspondence: Creation as “Fidelity” to the Real
Fidelity of Deformative-Creative Acts of Taking-up. Understanding and Poetry in Husserl
Truth and Praxis
Understanding by Struggling: The Problem of the êthos of the Elements in Sartre, Bachelard, and Nietzsche
Creation Is Inseparable from a Patient Attention to Sense. Authenticity and the Art of Interpretation
Acting to Bring Sense to the Surface: Symbolic Action
Depth of Play: Reason Is a Function of Infinite Transposition at the Boundaries of Unreason
Chapter 20: Authenticity, Imaginary, and Reality
Part V: The Imaginary is the True Stiftung of Being
Chapter 21: The Imaginary as Introduction to Ontology and then as Fundamental Ontological Model
Chapter 22: An Ungraspable Urstiftung: Being as Dehiscence
Imaginary Flesh, the Mythic and Oneiric Urstiftung
Ungraspable Being and the Ontology of Elements
The Essentially Ontological Dimension of the Husserlian Notion of Depth
Ontology at the “Limit of a Phenomenology of the Imaginary”
Chapter 23: Depth Loves Masks: Being as a Play of Images
Indirect Ontology
Being as a Fraternal Alliance of Dionysian Dismemberment and Apollonian Images
Justification of Husserlian Phenomenology by Merleau-Pontian Ontology
Chapter 24: Conclusion
1. Works by Merleau-Ponty
2. Other Works Cited
Author Index
Subject Index
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