چکیده :
تعد هذه الدراسة من الدراسات المهمة في الدعوة إلى الله تعالى وهي الخطابالنبوي التي تعتبر منأفضلالأساليبالمستخدمةفيالدعوةإلىالله،فالنبيمحمد_ صلىاللهعليهوسلم .
قدوةطيبةکانيراعيتفاوتالبشرفيالفهموالإدراک ، إن الخطاب النبوي ودوره في مواجهة الغلو التطرف يعتبر أهم رکنا من أرکان العملية التربوية المهمة في بناء الفرد والمجتمع، بما يحمله من قيم أصيلة ومعان سامية وتوجيهات ربانية، تستهدف الإنسان الذي هو محور العملية التوجيهية.
إنه يتميزبشموليته لجوانبشخصيةالإنسان.ويختصهذاالبحثبدراسةالخطابالنبويفيمواجهةالفتنوالغلوفيالدينوذلکمن خلالالأحاديثالواردةفيفضائلالأنبياءومناقبهم،وأحاديثالفتنحتىنوضحموقفالنبيصلىاللهعليهوسلممنالغلووالتشدد.
وحاجةالمسلمينفيالتعرفعلىالخطابالنبويليدرکواحجمالخطرالذىيفرضهالغلووالتشددحولعناقالمسلمينممنهمعليملتهم،وقدحاولتتتبعتلکالأقواللعلهاتکونخطوةفيتصحيحالمسار،لعلاجالمشکلاتالمعاصرةالتييعانيمنهاالعالمالإسلامي .
وقامت هذه علىالمنهجالوصفيوالمنهجالتحليليلتفسيروتحليلخطابالنبيصلىاللهعليهوسلمفيالفتنوالغلومنخلالالسنةالنبويةوسيرتهالعطرة .
ومن خلال هذا البحث قد توصلنا إلى أهم النتائج والتوصيات أهما:
ينبغيعلينا أن نصوبأهدافنانحودراساتحقيقةجادةيصعب الاعترافبأنحلالقضاياوالخلافاتالمذهبيةفيالمنطقةلصعوبةالتحقيقلفهممايدورحولنامنالتغيرالاجتماعيالذييشهدهالمجتمعالإسلامي ،منخلالدعموتوفيرالإمکاناتاللازمةلمراکزالتغيرالاجتماعيالمتخصصةفيالمنطقة .رفضالمغالاةفيالنبي صلىاللهعليهوسلم أساس في الرسالة النبوية، وقد حذرناالنبيمنذلک.أنللتشددوالغلوجذوراتاريخيةأوجدتفرقامغاليةأخذمنهمفکرهمالفرقالمعاصرةمنالغلاة.يجب التشديد على بيان وسطية منهج النبي_ صلى الله عليه وسلم لا إفراط ولا تفريط.
this study is considered one of the important studies in calling to god almighty, and it is the prophetic discourse which is considered one of the best methods used in calling to god.
the prophet muhammad, may god bless him and grant him peace.
a good example was taking into account the difference in human understanding and perception, the prophetic discourse and its role in confronting extremism extremism is considered the most important pillar of the important educational process in building the individual and society, with its authentic values, sublime meanings and divine directives, targeting the person who is the focus of the guiding process.
it is characterized by its comprehensiveness in aspects of the human personality.
this research is concerned with studying the prophetic discourse in the face of temptation and exaggeration in religion, through the hadiths contained in the virtues and merits of the prophets, and the hadiths of temptation, in order to clarify the position of the prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace, against extremism and extremism.
and the need for muslims to know the prophetic discourse in order to realize the magnitude of the danger posed by the extremism and militancy surrounding the embrace of muslims who are their faithful, and i have tried to follow these sayings, perhaps as a step in correcting the path, to treat contemporary problems that plague the islamic world.
these were based on the descriptive and analytical methodology for interpreting and analyzing the speech of the prophet, may god’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding temptation and exaggeration through the prophet’s sunnah and his fragrant biography.
and put the words in their rhetorical context so that its connotations are revealed
through this research, we have reached the most important results and recommendations, the most important of which are:
we must aim our goals towards serious truth studies.
it is difficult to admit that resolving sectarian issues and differences in the region is difficult to investigate to understand what is going on around us of the social change that the islamic community is witnessing, by supporting and providing the necessary capabilities for specialized social change centers in the region.
god be upon him has a basis in the prophetic message, and the prophet warned us about that.
that extremism and exaggeration have historical roots that have created exaggerated differences from them whose thought took the contemporary sects of the extremists.
it must be stressed that the moderation of the approach of the prophet - may god’s prayers and peace be upon him - is neither excess nor neglect.
keywords: discourse, prophetic , confrontation, hyperbole, extremism.