چکیده :
the law of attraction in the philosophy of modern thought is the belief that by focusing on negative or positive thoughts, people can experience positive or negative attitudes.
this belief is based on the idea that both people and their minds are made up of pure energy and through the process of "absorbing the same energies," one can upgrade his health, well-being and personal relationships.
this theory has been promoting for many years by speakers and writers in the world, and each of them is somehow trying to express the attraction law in accordance with the culture of their audience and stimulate their feelings.
one of the promotional methods for promoting and fixing the secret theory in the minds of the audience by its propagandists, especially inside the country, is its religiousization.
this theory has been promoting for many years by speakers and writers in the world, and each of them is somehow trying to express the attraction law in accordance with the culture of their audience and stimulate their feelings.
one of the promotional methods for promoting and fixing the secret theory in the minds of the audience by its propagandists, especially inside the country, is its religiousization.
by some non-scientific interpretation, some verses and narrations try to introduce this theory as an affirmation of religion and, on the other hand, to proclaim verses and narratives that are opposed to this hypothesis, whether deliberately and for personal reasons, or inadvertently and because of their lack of control over religious texts.
however, in understanding any text, including the text of the bible and the traditions of the infallibles, all aspects must be considered, because the fragmentation and separation of some verses and narratives, ignoring the continuous and discursive context, and their interpretation in favor of their own opinion is unnecessary.
it was found that according to some verses and narratives like verses 18 and 19 of surah al-asra, contrary to the view of the leaders of the law of attraction that demanded the human being as the basis for achieving the demands, the demand of god in both cases was ruled and it the amount of the desires of the human being to which it is sought is also due to the will of god and through his efforts, not for the imagination and imagination.
also, some other domestic propagandists of the law of attraction pray for the concept and, in their opinion, they pray for the view that contributes to mental imagery, not because it is a relationship with the creator, and not to this because it is the soul, in which spiritual excellence and evolution lies.
they say prayer is good because it enables you to visualize your own desires.
therefore, prayer as an introduction to the embodiment and concentration becomes important, not because it is an independent tool for the service of human superiority and servitude.
however, according to verses and narratives such as verse 60 of chapter of ghafir, the purpose of prayer is not just to seek human needs and wants, but to declare slavery and grudge against god and to learn from other goals and results of prayer for is counted.
also, accuracy in the meaning of our prayers implies that prayer is guaranteed by god, which does not always mean the fulfillment of human wants and wants, as the internal leaders of law are attracted to, but also the means of answering and there is no lack of response from god, which occasionally appears in other forms than the fulfillment of the necessity.
ultimately, the source of absorption theory has to be derived from the humanistic and human-centered view of the west, which accepts this attitude not only as the cultivation of the divine human being as a goal, but also the focus on transcendental tendencies, there is not much room for discussion and discussion.
by focusing on the will and desire of man, transcendental and spiritual goals are forgotten, and instead of this world life and experience of pleasure will be at the forefront of man's desires, and as a result, man will most of all lead to the forgottenness of the end and the hereafter.
the law of attraction not only does not invite humans to ethical virtues, but also enhances pleasure and desire, and governs the transcendental areas of the human soul and puts down on the most valuable human powers, ie, the power of reason.
مروّجان داخلیِ قانون جذب، آن را تأییدشدۀ متون دینی معرفی کردهاند؛ تا جایی که دعا در معارف دینی را همان قانون جذب دانستهاند؛ به طوری که اصرار و توجه به خواستهها در دعا برای تحقق آنها در عالم خارج است.
در این نوشتار بیان میشود تسلطنداشتن علمی بر معارف دینی و سوء برداشت از مفهوم و هدف دعا و اجابت آن و نیز تقطیع و تأویل غیرعلمی آیات، ایشان را به راه ناصواب کشانده است.
رهبران قانون جذب، خواست انسان را اصل و اساس در رسیدن به خواستهها میدانند؛ اما برخلاف نظر رهبرانِ قانون جذب، طبق برخی از آیات و روایات، خواست و ارادۀ خدا در هر دو عالم حکمفرما بوده است و آن مقدار از خواستۀ انسان که به آن میرسد نیز به ارادۀ خدا و بهواسطۀ تلاش اوست، نه به دلیل تجسم و تصورش.
در دعا نیز برخلاف ادعای قانون جذب، آدمی خدا را عطاکننده میداند، نه اینکه ذهن و باور خود را معطی بداند.
همچنین هدف از دعا فقط خواستن حاجت نیست، بلکه هدف اصلی، اظهار فقر و مسکنت و بندگی به درگاه خداست.