عشای ربانی: الهیات و معنویت دعای عشای ربانی | کتابخانه مجازی الفبا
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ارسال اثر
عشای ربانی: الهیات و معنویت دعای عشای ربانی
Louis Bouyer
کتابخانه مجازی الفبا
کتابخانه مجازی الفبا
کتاب الکترونیکی
میانگین امتیازات:
امتیاز شما :
تعداد امتیازات :
عشای ربانی: الهیات و معنویت دعای عشای ربانی
ویرایش اثر
عنوان دیگر :
Eucharist : Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharistic Prayer
پدیدآورندگان :
Bouyer, Louis
وضعیت نشر :
University of Notre Dame Press ،
منابع دیجیتالی مرتبط :
نسخه PDF
کلید واژه اصلی :
الهیات مسیحی
الهیات قدیم مسیحی
آموزههای مسیحی (آموزههای ادیان)
عشای ربانی (آیینهای هفتگانه مسیحی)
آموزههای مسیحی
نویسنده :
Louis Bouyer
زبان :
منبع اصلی :
جنس منبع:
پایگاه :
یادداشت :
نوع منبع :
خروجی ها :
Doblin core
Marc xml
MarcIran xml
فهرست مندرجات:
Table of contents :
F oreword
I. Theologies on the E ucharist and Theology of
the E ucharist 1
II. J ewish Liturgy and Christian L iturgy 15
III. The Word of God and the B erakah 29
The Word of God and the knowledge of God 30
The berakoth, the response to the Word 40
IV. The J ewish Berakoth 50
The transmission of the traditional formulas 50
The short formularies 55
The berakoth preceding the Shemah: the Qedushah 58
The Tefillah of the Shemoneh Esreh 70
The meal berakoth 78
The different structures of the Christian Eucharist 88
V. F rom the J ewish Berakah to the Christian
E ucharist 91
Jesus’ use of the berakah 92
The meal berakoth and the institution of the Eucharist 97
The meaning of the “Memorial” 103
The Jewish berakoth and the prayer of the first
Christians 106
The first eucharistie liturgies: the Didache 115
The Apostolic Constitutions 119
VI. T he P atristic E ucharist and the Vestiges of
the P rimitive E ucharist 136
The constitution of the traditional formularies of
the eucharist 136
The West Syrian and Gallican-Mozarabic types 143
The Alexandrian and the Roman types 144
The survival of a more ancient type in the East
Syrian tradition: Addai and Mari 146
Resurgence of the archaic type in the Apostolic
Tradition of St. Hippolytus 158
The transformation of the anamnesis and the birth
of the epiclesis 182
Other evidences of the same type 184
VII. T he Alexandrian and R oman E ucharists 187
Is St. Hippolytus a witness of the origins of the Roman
liturgy? 188
The Alexandrian liturgy and the presence of the intercessions
in the first part of the eucharist 192
The Der Balizeh anaphora and the Andrieu-Collomp
papyrus: the anaphora of Serapion 200
Anamnesis and epiclesis in the Egyptian liturgy 209
The kinship between the Egyptian and Roman
eucharists and the primitive form of their epicleses
The structure of the Roman canon and its explanation
VIII. T he W est Syrian L iturgy: the Apostolic Constitutions
and the L iturgy of Saint J ames 244
The late character of the West Syrian eucharist
and the factors in its formation 245
The structure and the sources of the eucharist
of the Apostolic Constitutions 250
The final synthesis of the eucharist of St. James 268
IX. T he Classical F orm of the Byzantine E ucharist 281
The Antiochian liturgy of. the Twelve Apostles 282
From the liturgy of the Twelve Apostles to the
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 286
The liturgy of St. Basil, its composition and the
different stages of its evolution 290
Syrian survival in the long form of Addai and
Mari 304
The East Syrian Survival of Intermediary types 307
Genealogy and genesis of the epiclesis 310
X . The Gallican and Mozarabic E ucharist 315
The Gallican and Mozarabic eucharist and its
kinship with the West Syrian type 316
From improvisation to imposed formularies : the
problem of the liturgical year 329
The oratio fidelium and the intercessions of the
Canon 335
XI. The Middle Ages: D evelopment and D eformation
The multiplication of the late formularies and
their deformation 338
The eucharist of Nestorius: scholastic theology and
biblical overlay 342
The Armenian eucharist: fidelity to tradition in
new developments 350
Late Syrian anaphoras and the Ethiopian anaphoras
Preface, Communicantes and Hanc igitur in the
sacramentaries 360
The silent canon and the accompanying false
developments 366
XII. Modern T imes: D ecomposition and R eformation 380
The eucharist buried under untraditional formularies
and interpretations 381
Luther’s Formula Missae and Deutsche Messe,
the last product of medieval deviation 384
The un-eucharistic eucharist of the Reformers:
Zwingli, Oecolampadius, Farei and Calvin 391
Survivals and first attempts at restoration among
the Lutherans; the Swedish liturgy from Olaus
Petri to John III 396
Cranmer and the Anglican eucharist 407
The first rediscovery of tradition by the English
Calvinists 419
The restoration of the Anglican eucharist in Scotland
and with the Non-Juror's 424
The return to tradition with the French reformers:
from Osterwald to Taizé 429
The eucharist of the Church of South India 436
The new eucharistie liturgy of the American Lutheran
Church 439
X I I I . The Catholic E ucharist renewed 443
The Twentieth Century 446
Conclusion 462
B iblical Index 475
Index of rabbinical texts 477
Index of the Synagogue liturgy 477
Index of ancient Christian writers 478
Index of Christian liturgies 480
Index of modern authors 482
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